Canadas immigration laws provide permanent residents with a number of appellate review mechanisms under the Immigration Appeal Division (IAD), a court of equitable jurisdiction, to address removal orders, refusals of sponsored applications for permanent residence from members of the family class (spousal relationships, adoptions, medical refusals, criminality, inadequate financial arrangements for settlement), decisions relating to the loss of residency requirements (failure by entrepreneurs to meet terms and conditions, failure by a permanent resident to meet the residency obligations set out in section 28(2) IRPA). |
Refused applicants for permanent residence have a right of appeal with leave to the Federal Court of Canada.
A decision by the Refugee Protection Division (RPD) that a claimant is not a protected person may be appealed to the Refugee Appeal Division (RAD).
Canadian immigration law also prescribes formalities to permit foreign nationals who are inadmissible to Canada on grounds of criminality for certain offences, to overcome inadmissibility in meritorious cases.
If you are faced with an immigration problem affecting your status or that of a close relative in Canada, or if you require additional information, kindly contact us |